There are plenty of attractively-priced deals around, so building and installing your own conservatory from a kit can initially seem like a great idea.

But before you jump in, be very sure this is what you really want, and that you have then necessary skills. Building a conservatory isn’t quite the straightforward project it can appear to be.

What’s more, even if it looks fine once it’s been installed, that doesn’t necessarily mean the job has been done efficiently or correctly. Proper fitting is essential, both for energy efficiency and because otherwise you could put your home’s security seriously at risk. If nothing else, a poorly constructed conservatory is a nightmare to maintain, and an ultra-cheap kit version may not perform as well as other models.

Are you sure you’re competent to install cavity insulation, power points or underfloor heating if you want those things? Are you confident in your ability to lay the foundations for your structure correctly?

Equally, if you’ve not laid bricks before, poor bricklaying won’t look great.

At the same time, you need to be very sure you have met any building regulations and planning permission requirements, even though these are generally not needed for most conservatories.

Even for an experienced builder or home improvement firm, a conservatory is a reasonably big project. You could struggle if you’re not 100% sure you know what you’re doing, especially if something doesn’t quite go according to plan. Ultimately, you could end up paying far more if someone else to come out and put a botched job right.

One of the main benefits of adding a conservatory to your property is its potential to add value to your home, but a home improvement that isn’t well-finished or appropriate to your main building will detract from the value, not add to it.

We understand that for some people with at least basic building and DIY competence, there may well be some benefits to going down the DIY route.

But, for most, using an established, reputable and professional building firm is the best way forward, and ultimately the most cost-effective solution.

Talk to us at Worthing Windows today, whether you’re looking for a conservatory in Worthing or somewhere further afield, such as Lancing, Goring or Sompting.